What's On


Antiques Pop-up

Antiques Pop-up stall open from 18th April to 2nd May

Jonny O’Marah is an antiques dealer having been in the trade for over 20 years, and a proud born and bred Cestrian!

He has appeared in two TV shows – Ultimate Dealer and ITV’s hit daytime show Dickinson’s Real Deal where he was main cast as an on-screen dealer. He also co-hosts the Antiques Anonymous Podcast which you can find on Acast.

Jonny specialises in ceramics from the 18th century onwards but will be showcasing a more interiors focussed range of stock including a selection of vintage textiles, interesting decorative objects, vintage toys and small items of affordable furniture.

We also hope to arrange a valuation day and for Jonny to host our very own Chester Market Antiques Roadshow offering free advice on antiques and collectables.
